Kindergarten » Kindergarten


nanceHello and welcome to the 2021-22 school year. My name is Ms. Nance and I am so pleased I am to be spending this year working with each one of the children in this class. We have been getting to know each other for the past week and a half. I look forward to meeting and getting to know each of you as well. Kindergarten is going to be a busy year for us. It is my expectation that every student will try his/her very best each day beginning the moment they enter the building until they leave at the end of the day. Students are expected to be here no later than 8:15 in order to receive breakfast and begin the day. Our instructional time begins as soon as breakfast time is over. 

We have been spending time in class talking about what the expectations are and what we need to do to meet those expectations. We have been using CHAMPS expectations as we go throughout the day to help make our days go as smoothly as possible. We will also be using Class Dojo as a tool for connecting with parents.

         Homework will mostly be given Monday thru Thursday. All homework is expected to be completed and returned the following day. Homework is always a review of the material we have covered in class. Each week the students will be coming home with a decodable book to practice at home. The books are part of the homework.

Please don’t hesitate to contact me about any concerns or questions you may have. I am available for conferences before school and during my prep from 1:05-1:45. Feel free to call, send a note, or message me on Dojo with any questions or concerns. My extension is 465 and my email address is


                                                                            Thank You,

Ms. Nance